Automate exporting and mounting self-signed certificate authorities into containers for secure HTTPS in local development using .NET Aspire's flexible application model.
Which .NET library is fastest at image resizing? Which one uses the least memory? A benchmark comparison of ImageSharp, Magick.NET, NetVips, and SkiaSharp.
Learn how to replace IdentityModel with MSAL.NET for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flows using support for generic OIDC-compliant authorities.
Increase the reliability of MSAL.NET with IHttpClientFactory, benefiting from automatic DNS lookup, TCP connection reuse, and HttpMessageHandler pipeline extensibility.
When dealing with client applications, use the official Microsoft file-based token cache for MSAL.NET rather than implementing your own.
Combining IDistributedApplicationLifecycleHook, ResourceNotificationService, and ResourceLoggerService allows you to react to any changes in resources and their logs.
Get reproducible builds locally, in your CI, and Docker builds with .NET SDK maintenance via global.json and automatic dependency updates.