Do you find the login page of the .NET Aspire dashboard unnecessary for local development? Use of of these two methods to disable it.
Experiment Dapr using .NET Aspire for the best YAML-free local development experience. Focus on your services, not the infrastructure.
Renovate doesn't handle nuspec files by default, let's configure a custom Renovate Regex manager to support them.
Renovate doesn't update preview versions of NuGet packages by default, and your apps might be at risk of using outdated dependencies.
Renovate does not handle NuGet version ranges by default, let's configure a custom Renovate Regex manager to support them.
.NET Aspire reaches a new level of extensibility with preview 5, which allows for the creation of custom resources controlled by your code.
The TreatWarningsAsErrors property and warnaserror command line switch behave slightly differently, maybe you should consider using both?