Replacing IdentityModel with MSAL's support for generic OIDC-compliant authorities
Overriding MSAL's HttpClient with IHttpClientFactory
Secure cross-platform and file-based token cache for MSAL.NET
Programmatically monitoring and reacting to resource logs in .NET Aspire
Automate your .NET SDK updates for consistent and reproducible builds with global.json and Renovate
Must-have resources for new .NET Aspire developers
Disabling .NET Aspire authentication to skip the login page
.NET Aspire is the best way to experiment with Dapr during local development
Configure Renovate to handle nuspec files
Configure Renovate to update preview versions of NuGet packages
Automated NuGet package version range updates in .NET projects using Renovate
Referencing external Docker containers in .NET Aspire using the new custom resources API
TreatWarningsAsErrors and warnaserror are not the same
Locally test and validate your Renovate configuration files
Remove git hash from assembly informational version in .NET 8
Your custom HttpClient delegating handlers should be transient
How to securely reverse-proxy ASP.NET Core web apps
Enable tab completion for the .NET CLI in your terminal
.NET Aspire dashboard is the best tool to visualize your OpenTelemetry data during local development
Running Ruby on Rails web apps with .NET Aspire
Key derivation in .NET using HKDF
Implementing fine-grained access control with ASP.NET Core custom endpoint metadata
Programmatically elevate a .NET application on any platform
Best practices for integrating the Azure Storage SDK into your .NET applications
Evolutive and robust password hashing using PBKDF2 in .NET
Optimizing .NET solution architecture for faster compilation through project decoupling
Exploring the Microsoft Developer Control Plane at the heart of the new .NET Aspire
Optimizing C# code analysis for quicker .NET compilation
The only local MongoDB replica set with Docker Compose guide you'll ever need!
Your own private ChatGPT in hours? Azure Chat makes it possible!
Preventing breaking changes in .NET class libraries
The best C# REPL is in your terminal
Convert complex YAML to .NET types with custom YamlDotNet type converters
Instrumenting System.CommandLine-based .NET applications
Crafting beautiful interactive console apps with System.CommandLine and Spectre.Console
How to configure true dependency injection in System.CommandLine
Even more .NET validation attributes with GSoft.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Prevent .NET Application Insights telemetry loss
Modern minimal workers in .NET
Generate a custom C# ChatGPT API client in minutes with Kiota
Speeding up DefaultAzureCredential authentication in local development with Azure CLI
Take your .NET configuration to the next level with value substitution
Universal UI testing based on image and text recognition
SOLID principles: the Single Responsibility Principle
ServerPilot for your PHP development environment
Pillar, a MVVM framework for Xamarin Forms
ASP.NET Core with Nginx as reverse proxy on Linux
Google PageSpeed Insights, how to get 100/100
MuPDF Xamarin Android binding on Nuget
Centered login form with Ionic Framework
SQL query results to CSV with PL/SQL
Caching method results easily with AOP
EventToCommand in Xamarin Forms Apps
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