This post was originally published in 2016 and may contain outdated information.
I’m proud to annonce the release of Pillar, a lightweight MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms 1.x and 2.x. With this framework, you won’t have to deal with page navigation or messed up code-behind anymore. Now, it’s all about view models, and navigation between view models. It rely on Autofac for dependency injection and MvvmLight for basic MVVM features and helper classes.
# Features included in Pillar:
- ViewModel navigation, you won’t need to manipulate pages in your view models
- Design your apps with unit testing in mind with dependency injection
- Flexible, you can use differents patterns: ViewModel first, Messaging, ViewModelLocator
- EventToCommand behavior and useful converters included
- Useful views: ItemsView repeater, with optional DataTemplate selector by item type
- Not intrusive, you can reuse your view models in other projects (WPF for example) with very few modifications
# Getting started
You can install Pillar with the Nuget package manager:
Install-Package Askaiser.Mobile.Pillar
You will find the documentation and samples on the GitHub repository.
# Quick example
Setup and configuration:
public class MyAppBootstrapper : PillarBootstrapper
private readonly Application _app;
public MyAppBootstrapper(Application app)
_app = app;
protected override void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
protected override void RegisterViews(IViewFactory viewFactory)
viewFactory.Register<FirstViewModel, FirstView>();
viewFactory.Register<SecondViewModel, SecondView>();
protected override void ConfigureApplication(IContainer container)
var viewFactory = container.Resolve<IViewFactory>();
var page = viewFactory.Resolve<FirstViewModel>();
_app.MainPage = new NavigationPage(page);
public class App : Application
public App()
new MyAppBootstrapper(this).Run();
Your first ViewModel:
public class FirstViewModel : PillarViewModelBase
private readonly INavigator _navigator;
public FirstViewModel(INavigator navigator)
_navigator = navigator;
// Go to the second view after 5 seconds
public async void GoToSecondViewModel()
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
await _navigator.PushAsync<SecondViewModel>();