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Generating architecture diagrams from .NET Aspire resources at publish time

Use the new relationship capabilities in .NET Aspire 9.1 to build a custom Mermaid exporter for generating architecture diagrams that are always up-to-date.

Software architecture diagrams tend to age poorly, often becoming obsolete as soon as actual implementations start diverging from the initial design. They struggle to keep up with the continuous evolution of code, dependencies, and business requirements. Maintaining them requires discipline and rigor, which are often lacking in software development projects.

Ideally, there would be a way to automatically generate these diagrams from the source code, ensuring they always remain up to date. This is now possible with the release of .NET Aspire 9.1, which introduces access to relationships between the different resources of an app model. We can leverage .NET Aspire’s extensibility with custom code to generate a Mermaid software architecture diagram from these relationships.

This post was written before the release of Aspire 9.1. Since then, a built-in graph view of resource relationships has been merged into Aspire’s main branch, so it will be available in Aspire 9.2. The graph view will appear on the dashboard at runtime, where more detailed information is provided. I still believe there is value in generating the graph at publish time as a file that can be used elsewhere.

A good time to create this diagram would be during the manifest generation process. I will start with an overview of the custom API I created, followed by some example diagrams generated from the .NET Aspire starter project, as well as the reference application eShopSupport. Finally, I will provide the complete source code for the extension methods.

API overview, usage, and results

Invoking GenerateArchitectureDiagramOnPublish on IDistributedApplicationBuilder allows opting in to architecture diagram generation. It is possible to configure global diagram options, such as the title and direction.

WithArchitectureDiagramNodeDetails on IResourceBuilder<T> enables customization of the corresponding resource node, while ExcludeFromArchitectureDiagram allows excluding it.

Here’s an example usage:

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var cache = builder.AddRedis("cache")
    .WithArchitectureDiagramNodeDetails("Redis cache");

var apiService = builder.AddProject<Projects.AspireDiagrams02_ApiService>("apiservice")
    .WithArchitectureDiagramNodeDetails("API service");

    .WithArchitectureDiagramNodeDetails("Web frontend")

builder.GenerateArchitectureDiagramOnPublish(options =>
    options.Title = "Aspire starter with Redis";


And the result:

Aspire starter with Redis architecture diagram

A more complex example using the reference application eShopSupport produces the following diagram:

eShopSupport architecture diagram

Several additions and improvements are possible and are described in comments within the code below. The generated diagram, written to a *.mmd file, can then be uploaded as part of a CI pipeline, rendered as an image, or even embedded in documentation automatically.

Complete source code

Just add the following code to your project:

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Aspire.Hosting.Lifecycle;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

namespace Aspire.Hosting;

// This is a somewhat basic implementation to demonstrate the concept, and it can be extended in many ways.
// CONSIDER support for grouping nodes into subgraphs
// CONSIDER support for arbitrary text (e.g. a floating comment)
// CONSIDER support for diagram configuration (layout, look, theme)
// CONSIDER support for custom node shape, color, and style
// CONSIDER support for custom relationship label, arrow style and line style
// CONSIDER modeling the diagram as a graph to support different rendering strategies
internal static class ArchitectureDiagramExtensions
    public static IDistributedApplicationBuilder GenerateArchitectureDiagramOnPublish(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, Action<ArchitectureDiagramOptions>? configure = null)
        if (configure != null)


        return builder;

    public static IResourceBuilder<T> WithArchitectureDiagramNodeDetails<T>(this IResourceBuilder<T> builder, string label)
        where T : IResource
        return builder.WithAnnotation(new ArchitectureDiagramNodeDetailsAnnotation(label), ResourceAnnotationMutationBehavior.Replace);

    public static IResourceBuilder<T> ExcludeFromArchitectureDiagram<T>(this IResourceBuilder<T> builder)
        where T : IResource
        return builder.WithAnnotation(new ExcludeFromArchitectureDiagramAnnotation(), ResourceAnnotationMutationBehavior.Replace);

internal sealed class ArchitectureDiagramGeneratorLifecycleHook(
    DistributedApplicationExecutionContext executionContext,
    IOptions<ArchitectureDiagramOptions> diagramOptions) : IDistributedApplicationLifecycleHook
    private readonly StringBuilder _mermaidOutput = new();
    private readonly HashSet<IResource> _visibleResources = [];
    private readonly HashSet<(IResource Source, IResource Destination)> _visitedRelationships = [];

    public async Task BeforeStartAsync(DistributedApplicationModel appModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (!executionContext.IsPublishMode || appModel.Resources.Count == 0)

        // Ordering by name increases chances of git diffs being more readable
        var orderedResources = appModel.Resources.OrderBy(x => x.Name, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToArray();


        // CONSIDER specifying the file name/path from the options or CLI args with configuration binding (same as manifest's --output-path)
        // CONSIDER resolving the containing directory path from CLI args, content root path or project directory
        await File.WriteAllTextAsync("architecture.mmd", this._mermaidOutput.ToString(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

    private void AppendDiagramTitle()
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagramOptions.Value.Title))
            this._mermaidOutput.Append("title: ").AppendLine(diagramOptions.Value.Title);

    private void AppendDiagramDirection()
        var direction = diagramOptions.Value.Direction switch
            DiagramDirection.TopToBottom => "TB",
            DiagramDirection.BottomToTop => "BT",
            DiagramDirection.LeftToRight => "LR",
            DiagramDirection.RightToLeft => "RL",
            _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(diagramOptions.Value.Direction), diagramOptions.Value.Direction, "Invalid diagram direction")

        this._mermaidOutput.Append("flowchart ").AppendLine(direction);

    private void AppendResourceNodes(IResource[] resources)
        foreach (var resource in resources)


    private void AppendResourceNode(IResource resource)
        var isExcluded = resource.Annotations.OfType<ExcludeFromArchitectureDiagramAnnotation>().Any() ||
            resource.Annotations.OfType<ResourceSnapshotAnnotation>().FirstOrDefault()?.InitialSnapshot.State == KnownResourceStates.Hidden;

        if (isExcluded)

        var nodeDetails = resource.Annotations.OfType<ArchitectureDiagramNodeDetailsAnnotation>().FirstOrDefault()
            ?? new ArchitectureDiagramNodeDetailsAnnotation(resource.Name);

        this._mermaidOutput.Append("    ").Append(resource.Name).Append('(').Append(nodeDetails.Label).AppendLine(")");

    private void AppendResourcesRelationships(IResource[] resources)
        foreach (var resource in resources)
            var relationships = resource.Annotations.OfType<ResourceRelationshipAnnotation>();

            foreach (var relationship in relationships)
                this.AppendResourceRelationships(resource, relationship);


    // https://github.com/dotnet/aspire/blob/39b8606f1b43ae4bd4ef5ea3492f0fef7fe548b2/src/Shared/Model/KnownRelationshipTypes.cs#L8
    private const string WaitForKnownRelationshipType = "WaitFor";

    private void AppendResourceRelationships(IResource resource, ResourceRelationshipAnnotation relationship)
        if (relationship.Type == WaitForKnownRelationshipType)

        var isSourceExcluded = !this._visibleResources.Contains(resource);
        var isTargetExcluded = !this._visibleResources.Contains(relationship.Resource);
        var isAlreadyVisited = this._visitedRelationships.Contains((resource, relationship.Resource));

        if (isSourceExcluded || isTargetExcluded || isAlreadyVisited)

        // CONSIDER grouping relationships from the same source to the same target into a single one
        this._visitedRelationships.Add((resource, relationship.Resource));

        // CONSIDER showing the relationship type if different than the built-in "Reference" type
        this._mermaidOutput.Append("    ").Append(resource.Name).Append(" --> ").AppendLine(relationship.Resource.Name);

internal sealed class ArchitectureDiagramOptions
    public string? Title { get; set; }

    public DiagramDirection Direction { get; set; } = DiagramDirection.TopToBottom;

[DebuggerDisplay("Type = {GetType().Name,nq}, Label = {Label}")]
internal sealed class ArchitectureDiagramNodeDetailsAnnotation(string label) : IResourceAnnotation
    public string Label { get; } = label;

[DebuggerDisplay("Type = {GetType().Name,nq}")]
internal sealed class ExcludeFromArchitectureDiagramAnnotation : IResourceAnnotation;

internal enum DiagramDirection
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